Stupid CoWorkers

When I lived in LA, I needed to travel to Hong Kong for business. I called a travel agent, told her the days I needed to travel, and she said she would have to get back to me for such a complicated itinerary. A little confused, I said fine and hung up.

About three hours later she called back and said she finally had it all worked out. There were five connections over three different airlines, and would take a total of about 32 hours to get there. She proceeded to walk me through the connections which had me going from LA to New York to London to Paris to Frankfurt to Hong Kong.

When I asked why she didn’t just book the 13 hour non-stop flight from LA to Hong Kong over the Pacific, she seemed confused and said she didn’t know you could go that way around. I guess she had a map and not a globe.


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Stupid Criminals

NEW YORK, – An ex-con allegedly tried to rob two people in New York, police said, but didn’t notice his intended victims were police officers — in uniform.

Police said 33-year-old Jermaine Washington allegedly was so intent on robbing someone Saturday that he pulled a fake handgun on the two armed police officers as they walked through Riverside Park, The New York Daily News said…

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