Stupid CoWorkers

I was a Crew Worker for the McDonalds in Marietta, GA…Because of the horrible job market as of late I had to settle for a job in the fast food industry(I’am 18). After meeting the Asst. Manager a couple of times I was hired, and the exposure to stupidity and laziness began. First, for some reason the management feels it is necessary to understaff on the busiest nights of the week, I believe this is for a bigger profit for the owner. I don’t mind being the long soldier on the GRILL..but doing 5 McChickens, Dropping meat and frying McNuggets at the same time is fatiguing and unecessary for the 6.25/hr I’am paid.

Secondly, The staff is made up of some of the most horny and lazy people I have ever met in my life. Whenever your Manager asks if you have “Big Meat” you know something is wrong. I have gotten used to seeing co-workers grope and coddle each other on a daily basis or go to the shed to retrieve “gloves”.

The rest of my co workers while good people are entirely lazy..This was made apparent by the constant walking off the job to talk, smoke or do anything else without telling the manager.

McDonald’s, I believe, is a good first job to those who want to exposed to the real world. It’s not all peaches and cream..It’ll definetely help motivate you to set high standards for yourself career wise. Currently, I’m doing something I love…Teaching computer courses at a local computer store and the pay is 9.25/hr!!!!

Stupid Drivers

One night I was on my way to a meeting on campus, the quickest way to get there is usually a rather congested commercial road with many traffic lights and businesses (but still the most direct). I must have left home about 2 minutes too late because I found myself stuck behind an 18-wheeler with a long line of cars slowly building behind me. Alright no big deal, so I’ll be a few minutes late. Well the guy was going about 15 in a 35 zone (sometimes speeding up on the inclines), but I figured he’d get off when the commercial section ended and the road ran through a wooded farmland area. Much to my chagrin the trucker went right on through towards campus. We reached the first turn and he slowed down to about 7 miles an hour to navigate it (the turn is sharp, but the lanes are very wide). As no one was coming toward me, I decided to quickly and neatly pass the rig. He slowed down a little more for me and I passed with no hesitation, giving a friendly wave out my window! . I look back, expecting to find similar responses from the motorists behind me, but instead they sat complacently behind the truck, crawling at just under 7 miles per hour in a 35 zone!! I saw no other cars for the next 2 miles in the oncoming lane, and when I stopped at the next stop sign, I looked back to see absolutely no other headlights coming down the road, THEY WERE STILL BEHIND THE TRUCK!! Morons!

Stupid Bosses

“This boss delighted in intimidating others and making them cry. Once, she stood over me and screamed, ‘I am your boss, I am your boss, I am your boss’. Three times! Then, she did a Nazi raised hand type movement over my head. Eventually, she made my life so miserable that I had to leave. I told her that she was the most obnoxious woman I have ever met.”

“I was preparing an article and asked my boss to review and approve it, so that I could take my upcoming scheduled vacation. My boss waited until the last minute, then verbally assaulted me for 30 minutes straight about the article and who knows what else. She told me I was an embarrassment to the establishment and that I should skip my vacation with my family and pay more attention to my work. I was so devastated, I couldn’t stop crying. It took me nearly three years to recover from that attack and to start to feel confident in myself and my abilities again.”

“My boss expected perfection from everyone. One day, we were having a meeting and discussing some uncomfortable topics. Unfortunately, some people returned from lunch five minutes late. Our manager hit the roof! The already tense room became a time bomb. The boss I really liked became someone I really didn’t want to be around. Was it really such a big deal that these people were five minutes late? The reaction just seemed blown way out of proportion. The boss I once liked became a very ugly person.”