Stupid Drivers

One night I was on my way to a meeting on campus, the quickest way to get there is usually a rather congested commercial road with many traffic lights and businesses (but still the most direct). I must have left home about 2 minutes too late because I found myself stuck behind an 18-wheeler with a long line of cars slowly building behind me. Alright no big deal, so I’ll be a few minutes late. Well the guy was going about 15 in a 35 zone (sometimes speeding up on the inclines), but I figured he’d get off when the commercial section ended and the road ran through a wooded farmland area. Much to my chagrin the trucker went right on through towards campus. We reached the first turn and he slowed down to about 7 miles an hour to navigate it (the turn is sharp, but the lanes are very wide). As no one was coming toward me, I decided to quickly and neatly pass the rig. He slowed down a little more for me and I passed with no hesitation, giving a friendly wave out my window! . I look back, expecting to find similar responses from the motorists behind me, but instead they sat complacently behind the truck, crawling at just under 7 miles per hour in a 35 zone!! I saw no other cars for the next 2 miles in the oncoming lane, and when I stopped at the next stop sign, I looked back to see absolutely no other headlights coming down the road, THEY WERE STILL BEHIND THE TRUCK!! Morons!