Stupid CoWorkers

We had our company party this evening…

Every holiday season, our tiny ad agency holds an annual party for the 4 employees, 3 full-time freelancers who’ve worked there for years, and all of our clients and a few vendors. The party this year was at a very fancy 5-star restaurant–the kind where the entree is 1/10th the size of the plate. OK, nice party, about 40 people all dressed up, and the boss/owner of the agency starts making glorious comments about how wonderful it’s been to work with such a great staff of people, blah, blah. Endless raves about the clients and how good it is to be in business for five years, blah, blah.

Stupid Bosses

What do you think about a boss (newly hired) who spends the day coloring, cutting, pasting, etc., instead of attending to the major amount of paperwork required to run a child care business. All the staff have complained to the executive in charge and not a thing is accomplished – we are stuck with a crazy woman who is dragging the company down. When asked a question, she talks in circles and runs around the subject until you just say forget it.

Stupid Bosses

My friend, Pete worked for a boss that was into mystic meditation and reading crystals. When he went in to interview, the man stared at the walls and the ceiling but not at Pete. Pete stopped talking and just stared at him.

I’m sensing your aura, dude. Keep talking,” he said.

He hired Pete. Pete took the job because there wasn’t another one out there.

It was a shipping company and pretty busy. But the boss didn’t pay his bills. Consequently, Pete was left to deal with a slew of companies wanting their money. He tap-danced as best he could. Clients started calling lawyers and collection agencies.

One day this businessman came storming over to “beat the money out of him” that the boss owed. Pete called the police. The secretary went home. The boss went downstairs and had the building manager lock him in the basement vault until the “madman” was gone!

Pete told the boss, “It makes no sense to not pay our bills.”

“Everyone’s against me,” the boss said. “Cosmic forces are conspiring to ruin me.” He suggested they stop working and just meditate.

My friend, Pete is Irish and this was his first job in the US. He thought we were all crazy if this guy was normal. “This guy never would have been able to run a business in Ireland,” he told me.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because they would have locked the loon up!” he said.

He told the boss, “Maybe we can shift the balance of cosmic forces back and change our karma.”

“How?” his boss asked.

“By paying our bills!” Pete shouted, throwing the bills down on his desk.

Pete decided to quit the company. He was the book keeper and they were running out of money. Soon they would not have any to make payroll with. He went in on a Saturday to pack things up at his desk so when he handed in his resignation letter the following Monday morning he could make a quick exit.

The boss was in the office with a lady he introduced as his spiritual mentor. They were chanting and sprinkling what looked like dust or glitter on everyone’s desk, ringing a bell and saying something in a foreign language.

His boss told him they were dispelling the bad spirits in the place to reverse the company’s finances.

The mentor told Pete he had a greedy aura.

Pete told them goodbye.

Stupid Criminals

MONROE — A man and woman robbed a busy Starbucks early yesterday morning and wound up serving coffee through the drive-up window for at least 30 minutes to make additional cash. They then waited until business slowed enough to make a getaway.

Neither police nor Starbucks would say how much money the pair made off with.

Police arrested two suspects Tuesday night after trailing their car from the Lake Stevens area to a service station. A witness identified the pair as the barista bandits, police said in a news release.

No one was injured in the early-morning holdup, and no property was damaged, said Jan O’Neil, Monroe police spokeswoman. But the incident was “weird and stressful” for the employees.