Stupid Customers Story – Iomega tech support

I work for Iomega tech support. One day, when I was answering the AOL message board questions, I ran across a letter complaining that this person’s zip drive had ejected a zip disk clear across the room and hit her dog in the eye. The dog supposedly lost vision in that eye and wanted Iomega to pay for the vet bill. I wrote back asking for a picture of the injury. I got back a picture of a dog wearing a pirate patch.

Stupid Customers

A member of America Online called me (a member of the tech support staff for an Internet service provider with no affiliation with AOL) asking what her email address was. After figuring out she wasn’t registered with us, I politely pointed out that we were not America Online and she might get a better answer to her problem if she called the American Online support number.

Customer: “Oh, so I should call them?”

Tech Support: “Yes, they will probably be able to help you more than I can.”

Customer: “But you’re an Internet Service Provider! It says so right here in the phone book! If you don’t want to help me fine. Thank you, have a good day.” [click]