Stupid CoWorkers

Director: There’s an anti-harassment meeting tomorrow with the VP, so please no herpes jokes.

Sales rep: Okay.

Director: And no calling Kevin a pussy.

Sales rep: That was you!

Director: Yeah, but you were thinking it.

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Stupid CoWorkers

This lady is the most unprofessional person that I have ever worked for in my entire life!

This woman is the VP of HR but yet she acts like she should be working for People magazine as a gossip columnist.

This woman will take her entire team to lunch and will reveal very confidential information in a public setting—she will tell about people’s medical information, marriage issues, sexual preferences, etc.

No subject is off limits! She will always start the conversation with..this information is confidential…I am only telling you about this because you are a part of HR. None of the information is relevant to our jobs….I mean seriously…did we need to know that you fired the person because you suspected he had a personality disorder! Did we need to know that a person resigned because they were having marriage issues and their child was a drug addict! Or about how someone’s husband divorced her because he was gay!

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Stupid Bosses

OK, I know you have them…let’s hear it…

My boss (VP of HR) watches people like a hawk to make sure that they are putting in their 8 hours, yet sneaks out the back door to leave early on a regular basis.

She also has NO idea how web pages work. She insists on double clicking hyperlinks. DUH!

She also gets lost driving to work! NO KIDDING. Her husband finally bought her a car with a GPS.

Get me outta here!

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