Stupid CoWorkers

Oblivious female office worker: I really like getting adjusted. Some people say it hurts, but to me it feels so good! A good release of tension.

Male office worker: “Adjusted.” Is that what they call it now?

Oblivious female office worker: Yep, it has many names. I see my chiropractor for an adjustment two or three times a week.

Stupid CoWorkers

Stupid CoWorkers

Office hottie, after office creepster has poked her: Ouch! What was that for?

Office creepster: I just always wondered what it’d be like to poke you.

Office hottie: Oh. It didn’t do much for me. How was it for you?

Office creepster: Fucking magic!

Stupid Things Overheard

Advisor #1: Wow, you’re really almost done packing up your office. All the rainbow stuff is gone…

Advisor #2: I never had any rainbow stuff up. It was just colorful.

Advisor #1: True. It’s like the party’s over.

Advisor #2: Yup. The make-up’s off. My hair’s messed up… Can’t find my underwear.

Advisor #1: Wait, how is that different from any other day?