Stupid Customers

I worked for a while in tech support for a large ISP. One day the guy next to me got a call asking for a demo of the Internet. I said I could send him a one month free trial, but he said, “No, no, I don’t want any trial versions. I just want a demo. Can you just copy the Internet to CDs and mail them to me?”

It took me about ten minutes to explain before he got a clue that this was, in fact, impossible. Even then he refused the free trial and just hung up. This always makes me wonder what goes on in some people’s heads.

Stupid Customers

Customer: “I’ve been signed up with your service for over a week, and have not been able to connect even once because of busy signals. If I can’t get any better service than that, I’m going to switch to another ISP.”

Tech Support: “Hmmm…that shouldn’t be happening. We’re no where near maxing out our dial up lines. Are you sure you’re dialing the right number?”

Customer: “I’m not stupid! I know my own phone number!”

Stupid Tech Support

I work in tech support for an ISP. I got a call from one of our more troublesome users. Her computer was having some difficulty connecting, so, since it was a Windows machine, I suggested the most common fix-it, rebooting.

Me: “Have you tried rebooting your computer?”

Customer: “What?! Oh no, you never, EVER, reboot a computer!”

Me: “Ma’am, I can assure you that it’s perfectly safe to–”

Customer: “No! If I went to the president of Milicron (a computer manufacturer) and told him that you said to reboot my machine, he would just laugh at that! You don’t ever reboot a computer!”

Me: “Well, something like that might be reasonable if it were a large server or something, but rebooting your PC won’t cause any–”

Customer: “No! No! No!” (click)