Stupid CoWorkers

I have a co-worker who is a chronic liar, while it entertains me more than it irritates me, some days are worse than others. We work for a decent company where the wages are better than average but nothing to brag about. This guy is like 22 years old and lives at home with his mother. However he tells everyone at work that he not only own his own condo (which he bought outright- no mortgage) and that he owns a home in Beverly Hills in the same neighborhood as Tommy Lee, but his house can not be seen on Google earth because it is a “blocked” residence. I was unaware such blocking capabilities exist. He is also a rock star…overseas of course. He once took a trip to London over the weekend and the flight he said took him 9 hours. We are in Arizona.

He is all of these things and is able to still buy $200 sneakers. On our wages I believe that is only possible if all of your living expenses are paid from other income. Rock star income maybe or your mothers income. Either way he really gets on my nerves. God forbid he actually say something funny and I laugh because then he does not shut up. He brings his guitar to work and sings out loud showing off his screeching animal in pain voice and mind you we work in customer service so everyone hears the part we are having in the background. How I would love to burst his bubble , in public only otherwise the feeling would not be as satisfying. I am sure that any adult with the slightest bit of common sense can see through this hilarious rock star persona, and how other people feel about other people at work really is not one of my biggest concerns, so needless to say I will probably never burst his bubble, in public or otherwise. I can only hope he one day stumbles across this site to bitch about my bitchiness here at work and coincidentally identify with this post.