Stupid Bosses

CS is a lady who lets you know that she has a title and she is very important for this very aspect. She has been with said company for awhile most likely due to the fact that she wouldn’t get a job offer from any place outside of her present company –because she is a flaming bitch!

She thinks she is a beautiful woman. Women who are beautiful don’t act like her. She is a insecure, hateful, cold, micromanging whore. She has no management skills and seems to think that treating your employees like squashed shit is the best approach. Watch our if you have better looks than her or if she suspects that you might have better personal status than her (more education) she will treat you even worse…

Stupid CoWorkers

I work a turgid minimum wage job in a mid-sized engineering plant whilst putting myself through college. I’ve been there for five years and have had three people to answer to in that time. For the first three years I had a male boss in his mid 40s who, while harsh and snappy at times, was generally OK to work with. Then about two years ago, he became quite ill – nothing serious, but enough to put him out of commission at a time when we were extraordinarily busy with an order and working very long hours.

Stupid Bosses

So I recently (a few weeks ago) started a job at a popular, healthy fast food restaurant – but it shall remain unnamed for this site. When I first started I’ll admit I wasn’t very ‘fast’ – who is, when they don’t know what they’re doing!?

In any case, they were desperate for another worker and I started work there at a time when the boss was having to take over for another store – so I never received official training. In any case, after just three weeks I’m pretty much completely programmed, despite the fact that, unlike the other employees, I haven’t gotten proper training like she said she’d provide me!…

Stupid Bosses

I work a turgid minimum wage job in a mid-sized engineering plant whilst putting myself through college. I’ve been there for five years and have had three people to answer to in that time. For the first three years I had a male boss in his mid 40s who, while harsh and snappy at times, was generally OK to work with. Then about two years ago, he became quite ill – nothing serious, but enough to put him out of commission at a time when we were extraordinarily busy with an order and working very long hours…