Stupid Bosses

Boss: We want to have the title field on the business card, so include on the ordering page a drop-down list so the employee can select a title, and corporate standards are consistent.

IT consultant: No problem, do you have a list of titles?

Boss: No.

IT consultant: So what would you like to have in the drop-down list?

Boss: A list of titles.

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Stupid Things Overheard

Customer rep manager: Why is the internet down at the warehouse?

IT guy: I got two emails. One said it was because there was vandalism in a manhole and the wires got cut. Another said they were digging in a manhole and the wires accidentally got cut.

Openly gay purchasing manager: Stop saying “manhole.”

IT guy: Why? Does it get you excited?

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Stupid Things Overheard

IT guy: What’s wrong?

Foreign IT guy, sniffing: I’m not sure.

IT guy: Don’t worry, you’re in America now. They’ll be stuff wrong with you that you never knew was wrong and whatever it is, there’ll be a pill for it.

Foreign IT guy, backing away: Uhhhh… thanks.

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Stupid Bosses

I work for an IT department whose staff has shrunk from 13 to 5 over the last five years. And one of our employees, the person responsbile from frontline helpdesk calls is almost completly worthless. So needless to say, I’m taking on the job responsibilties that used to be performed by many people.

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