Stupid Customers

Me: “What can I get you to drink, sir?”

Hospital patient: “Coffee.”

Me: “Well, it looks like you’re on a Cardiac diet, which means you can’t have caffeine.

Hospital patient: “You asked me what I wanted, and I want coffee.”

Me: “I’m sorry sir, I can’t give it to you.”

Hospital patient: “This is ridiculous! I’ve been drinking coffee every morning for the last sixty years. I want my coffee!”

Me: “Sir. You are on a CARDIAC diet. That means that you can’t have caffeine, or extra sodium, or fat. It could make your condition worse.”

Hospital patient: *tries to pull a fast one* “My doctor told me I could have it.”

Me: “Well, your doctor needs to put it into our computer, otherwise I could lose my job.”

Hospital patient: “MY DOCTOR SAID I COULD HAVE IT!”

Me: “Sir, I know you’re lying. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be on this diet.”

Hospital patient: “GIVE ME THE F***ING COFFEE!”


Hospital patient: *sheepishly* “Can I have apple juice?”

Stupid CoWorkers

Yeah, I work for a MAJOR time share-condo- hotel-motel chain doing the computer sales websites, updates… MY contract ended last week, and they just made $4 million off my work, (I pioneered doing the web promos!) in the past year, but…

There are a few of us who are contractors, and really keep our noses to the grindstone. They manage our performance by our results, but, the permies seem to be part of a ‘family’ of goof-offs!

Stupid CoWorkers

I work in an office area where we sit close to each other (but not in cubicals). We each get our own computer, desk space and trash bins. The co-worker on the right of me is a germaphobic. I’m ok with being clean and everything, but this is a bit extreme.

My co-worker get so upset when her trash bin gets almost half-full, she cannot stand it. So, while I am in a meeting, at lunch, or just anytime I am away from my desk, she will empty her trash into my container. This must go on 3 to 4 times a day. While I have confronted her about this (in a nice matter) she totally denied it.

I wouldn’t care except then my trash overflows and makes me look like a complete slob. I just cannot believe someone would be so rude!

Stupid CoWorkers

What is up with the stupid cubicles we have to work in???

I work at a computer software company and we all have some decent sized cubicles which in itself is fine. However, they have it set up so if you were to walk into the cubicle, you see the back of the person working and the front of the computer they are working on. I can’t tell you how many times I have been startled, jumped right up to the ceiling, when someone has come by to ask me something out of no where.

Is it just me?? I don’t like being sneaked up upon, it makes me nervous and is uncomfortable. I assume that companies situate cubicles in this way so that managers can walk by and see what employees are doing. I feel like a little kid. I mean, if I was goofing off all day and not working, it would be pretty obvious since I would not be producing anything. Personally, I’d like to be treated more like the adult that I am and be *trusted* that I was actually doing work rather than having someone check on me. Makes me work better.

If you ask me, if we are trying to build a ‘teamwork’ type atmosphere where employees can openly share information with other employees, the most effective thing to do would set up work spaces which are condusive to that. I’d much rather speak with someone to their face when I go over to them rather than talk to the back of their head.

Does anyone know why cubicles are set up this way?? Does anyone out there hate it as much as I do? Of course, higher up’s get offices with the computer facing *them* while they face the door when people come to see them. Ridiculous. I don’t see why that should be just their luxury.