Stupid Salespeople

The other day I walked into this little place that sells old software, old computers, and some new software. I walked up to a sales clerk and said, “Do you guys carry Linux?” He took one look at me (I am 15 years old) and, not knowing what Linux was, he checked the rack with games. I said, “No, Linux is not a game — it’s an operating system.”

He looked confused, then stuttered, “Uhhh…yeah…well check that rack, we’ve got stuff like Quicken there.”

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Stupid Salespeople

I had just gotten my debit-card. I hadn’t had a chance to sign it yet and I went into the store. The girl, seeing that it wasn’t signed, gave me her pen and asked if I would sign the card. I did. So she proceeds with the purchase, hands me the receipt to sign and then takes the card holds it up next to the receipt and compares the signatures…

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Stupid Salespeople

To prove just how smart the people who work for McDonalds are I told my brother that I would order a cheeseburger without cheese to find out what the guy would say. He did just what I thought he would do, he called back to the grill for a cheeseburger with no cheese instead of handing me a burger off the warmer. The guy working the grill didn’t catch on either, because he wrapped it in a special wrapper instead of suggesting that he give me a regular hamburger.

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Stupid Salesperson

A pizza-and-sub takeout recently opened near me. When I got the menu, I decided that I would try the hamburger sub that was listed, so I called.

Me: “I’d like to place an order for pickup.”

Him: “Certainly, sir. What would you like to have?”

Me: “I’d like the hamburger sub, please.”

Him: “Excuse me, the HAMburger sub?”

Me: “Yes.”

Him: “I’m sorry, but we don’t have HAMburger.”

Me: “It’s right here on the menu.”

Him: “We don’t have HAMburger.”

This went on a few times, until finally I asked for a cheeseburger sub without the cheese. He was happy to sell me that.

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