Stupid Bosses

my boss is a bitch, bitch bitch. she is into the 8th week of ignoring me now, only speaking if it is vital and then to put me down or make me look like a t**t. she bullies people over and over and if they complain she lies and twists and makes it all their fault. she has driven at least 8 people away from the job, as they were unable to work with the cow and you wouldn’t mind if she could do her job , but no, she muddles through it and then blames yours truly when things go wrong. i am not an unreasonable woman and i tried to talk to her about this but she blamed it on other people, and said they had told her stuff about me . get a fu***** grip woman, you are the manager, why are you listening to gossip? this woman is a born liar. she could win the gold medal for it if it were an Olympic sport, and when you catchy her out she lies again to cover the first lie. i wish she would leave, or get long term sick or win the lottery and retire. she is a dried up old spinster with no life but the workplace and she is DRIVING ME NUTS. thank you for listening . goodnight. yes i feel better for that.