Stupid Students

A 16-year-old boy in Israel was arrested this week for misbehaving in school. Police say the teen has a history of poor behavior and has made numerous threats against school officials. The teen was arrested after he locked the principal in a bomb shelter to prevent her from calling his mother. The teen has also been suspended for two weeks.

This explains why the teen was voted “Most Likely to Do Time.”

The bomb shelter was probably built to protect school officials from that kid.

The mother is trying. She gave him a taste of the real world by bringing him to her job when it was “Bring Your Punk to Work Day.”

The 16-year-old boy has a lot or rage because he’s the only one at school who hasn’t had a female teacher hit on him. That can get to a kid.

Stupid Students

Student: “How do I make a paper longer?”

Consultant: “You write more.”